
All good things must come to an end. FIDOCS has officially concluded and although I did not walk away with one of the trophies, I did walk away with some great memories. I am immensely proud to have been selected for the National Competition and I congratulate all the worthy winners. The reception to my film at both screenings was everything I could have hoped for with many people coming up to me afterwards to thank me for making the film and discussing with me their own stories of that difficult time. There was not a dry eye in the house after each screening. What more could I ask for really? I wish to whole-heartedly thank the festival programmers for including me and for being such a warm hosts to me while I was in Santiago. I hope to be able to maintain these relationships in the years to come. I saw some truly inspiring films this last week and made what I hope to be some lasting friendships. I even got to spend time with one of my heroes, Patricio Guzman. #winning!
